Positive Impacts
This new zoning creates good village architecture, a boost to our tax base, and a potential new home space for Arts Wayland or other local arts and recreation.
Village Style
3,500 SF
comparison to typical COMMERCIAL USE tax revenues
Project Information
Why Retail Self Storage?
The proposed zoning aims to expand our tax base in a meaningful way, with a new valuable low-impact commercial use, added to an existing commercial district.
The Self Storage Aspect
We understand that Retail Self Storage may not seem like an obvious fit for an arts space, at first. But adding this valuable new use type unlocks the ability to require good village design, to secure strong tax revenues AND to create the potential for a new Arts Wayland community space all Waylanders can enjoy.
what are the impacts of this use type?
Impacts from Retail Self Storage are very low: minimal parking, low traffic, low noise, low lighting, and respectful design, all baked into the zoning. It is a quiet neighbor. Also, its Net Zero and solar design requirements embrace Wayland’s green building goals.
The zoning specifically forbids things that people don’t like about older-generation self storage: chain link fencing, exterior storage access doors, fluorescent colors, backlit signs, bright site lighting, overnight noise – even loading docks that encourage trucks.
This new zoning is ONLY at the 193 Commonwealth site as Subdistrict B-1. Retail Self Storage cannot be built in any other Business B zone.
Since Retail Self Storage has primarily local users, there’s no market need for more than one location in town. And, locating just this site protects other Business B areas already built out with retail.
retail self storage
Shake off old preconceived notions of ugly, metal-building roll-up-door self-storage…
New generation self storage exteriors can look like true village buildings. Let’s create new zoning to make this happen.
The proposed zoning specifically requires village-look siding, windows, trim, doors, details. All loading is interior only. A three story building must look like a two-story building with a peaked roof. Building widths are no wider than adjacent retail/office buildings.
As a result, any building built under this zoning will fit into the village neighborhood.
arts wayland
This zoning includes the requirement to create an approximately 3,500 sf new community space on site, which can be a new home for Arts Wayland or other local arts and recreation.
It’s at a central, walkable location for nearby residents and families – and all built at no cost to the Town
Did we mention tax benefits? How about tax revenues 3-4x higher than regular zoning, totaling potentially $1.2-1.6 million over ten years.
PLUS the Town receives the value of the community space (ideally Arts Wayland) for free, which is worth about $1.0 million over 10 years. Combined, the Town benefits by about $2.5 million total over 10 years.
Arts Wayland Events
Arts Wayland offers Boston-caliber arts events and experiences, at reasonable local rates, right here in Wayland. The former Town Center gallery (shown in all photos except First Parish church first and last images, top row), was ideal for combined arts viewing and small live performances, and the goal is to create the same in Cochituate here.
All photos by JP Ducondi

Arts Wayland’s mission & goals
About Arts Wayland
Since 1981, Arts Wayland has been a 501(c)(3) non-profit educational arts organization for Wayland and Metrowest communities to enjoy. Arts Wayland exhibits local artists’ work, holds classes, and presents events including artist talks and receptions, music ‘open mic’ nights, Jazz Sundays, author events and more. https://artswayland.com/
Arts Wayland enjoyed a free 4,500 sf space at Town Center until 2022, until the landlord reclaimed the space. We’ve been searching for a new home since. This zoning would provide a community space that can potentially be a permanent home for Arts Wayland, to reestablish, to grow and to create long term plans for the future.
Our mission is to promote creative expression; to inspire, motivate and support artists of all mediums to enrich the culture of Wayland and Metrowest communities.
our capabilities
Arts Wayland demonstrated the ability to manage a 4,500 sf space at Town Center for two years, covering all operating costs with no assistance from the Town (aside from art-specific grants). Arts Wayland would propose to do the same here.
Arts Wayland often shared its Town Center facilities with other non-profit groups for events and meetings, and even encouraged the gallery to be used as a drop-in workspace with free wifi and free coffee for anyone in the community. Arts Wayland is a true community gathering space.
our goal
Our goal is to create a permanent home to support local artists and musicians, to expand possibilities for incorporating art and music into daily life, all in a walkable village location here that promotes community and connectivity.
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Supporters say…
Over 26 letters and emails were sent in support of the project to the Select Board public forum in January and 140+ supporters have signed the petition in just the first few days of April. Some excerpts:

Margaret Krakauer
Artist, Wayland resident
I am an artist and thrilled that Arts Wayland might have a permeant home in the future. I have lived in Wayland for just over 50 years, and the organization has had some temporary homes during the years. Well done, AW. I hope your work leads to a successful home and I will support it.

Yamani Ranjan
Host of the Women of Wayland podcast
I am excited for this to happen soon. I miss my favorite place. It’s about time. Rooting for it. 🙂🙂🙂😊😊

Andrea Blesso
Director of Dance & Interdisciplinary Programs at the Boston Center for Arts and Wayland resident
As an artist, arts lover, and administrator, I am thrilled by the prospect of Arts Wayland having more solid footing and organizational space in our town. Thank you for sparking connection & creativity in our neighborhood and for the transparency as this project unfolds. Bravo!